该产品能促进和改善面部的微循环,调整血压、降血脂,缓解疼痛,提高睡眠质量,对神经衰弱、失眠症、头痛、眼球疼、眩晕、脱发、面部神经麻木等症有辅助治疗作用。 另可促进所罩部分血液循环和增强面部细胞的新陈代谢,加速面部死亡细胞的排出,具有很好的美白、保湿、抗衰老的作用,具有消炎、消肿、镇痛的作用。
Put the eye mask into efigeato to be efigeated fo an hou befoe taking out fo use, o put it into feeze when in ugent need. It should be woe on the eye when used.
This poduct can impove ocula micociculation, eliminate eye fatigue, esume the plasticity of ciliay muscle, pevent vision decline, so it has an efficacy of lightening eye and efeshing bain.
Alleviate swil and dazzle, fogettey, and anoexia induced by excessive bain labous, lighten migaine, neuasthenia and insomnia of bain fatigue syndome.
Remove eye bags and black eyes, impove the bightness and elasticity of the skin aound the eyes.
The ice bag can only be used fo extenal medication. If eye o skin should be contacted by the content, it must be washed by clean wate thooughly. If one eats the content by mistake, he must dink enough wate and ty his best to vomit it and tun to docto when necessay.
Those who have something wong with thei micociculation system should efe to docto in advance.
This poduct emains soft in -18°C condition. It can be used easily with effects being obvious, and can be used epeatedly.