<img sc="//g03.s.alicdn.com/kf/HT1gF4gFHxeXXagOFbXN/201614237/HT1gF4gFHxeXXagOFbXN.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" oi-width="600" oi-height="600">
A. hai emoval
B. skin ejuvenation
C. winkle emoval
D. skin tightening
E. vascula theapy
<img sc="//g01.s.alicdn.com/kf/HT1cjL5FItbXXagOFbXN/201614237/HT1cjL5FItbXXagOFbXN.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="500" oi-width="429" oi-height="236">
IPLis the aconym fo "Intense Pulsed Light" and does hai emoval with intense pulsed light iadiation. Unlike the lase which can only emit light at a specific wavelength, the IPL light is able to povide a boad wavelength ange. The opeating pinciple is vey simila.
Elight, combines IPL and Radio Fequency. The big advantage of combining IPL and Radio fequency is it eaches deepe down and does not affect melanin in the skin, so all skin types can be teated, which IPL cannot alone. This can also taget light gey and ed hai. Also by using this this latest technology togethe, it has the bonus of ejuvenating the skin at the same time leaving it softe than nomal.
Cause it uses IPL and RF complex enegy, it can act on diffeent deep laye, not single enegy, so it can make sue moe safety and effective on cuing.
<img sc="//i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/238/935/494/494935238_062.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="171" height="241" oi-width="103" oi-height="136">
<img sc="//i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/596/935/494/494935596_524.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="165" height="241" oi-width="105" oi-height="136">
<img sc="//g01.s.alicdn.com/kf/HT17cfkFLVcXXagOFbXY/201614237/HT17cfkFLVcXXagOFbXY.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="336" height="222" oi-width="301" oi-height="168">
Many lases use a single light wavelength to emove hai fom the body. Some examples of this ae the Diode Lase o the Alexandite Lase. IPL hai emoval uses a diffeent method wheeby a full spectum wavelength is utilized to taget the oot of the hai deep within the skin. Filtes can be used to limit o incease the intensity of the light, which can allow the pofessional administeing the pocedue to ty diffeent measuements fo optimal esults.
<img sc="//i00.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/683/693/674/674693683_783.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="500" height="500" oi-width="700" oi-height="700">
<img sc="//i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/364/978/675/675978364_062.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="500" height="160" oi-width="800" oi-height="256">
<img sc="//g04.s.alicdn.com/kf/HT1XXYSFSxbXXagOFbXk/201614237/HT1XXYSFSxbXXagOFbXk.jpg" alt="Why you hesitate? RL-LA! electolysis hai emoval machine" width="500" oi-width="600" oi-height="600">
They wee all impoted fom Gemany, it means the toppest quality of the wold!