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家用射频美容仪TriPollar STOP RF 瘦脸去皱紧

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-22 04:22
480.00元/ 个
100 个
29997 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:607
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    TOP is a emakable new clinical skin enewal device that postpones and eveses the signs of ageing, binging about a fesh, younge look that until now could only be achieved though pofessional teatments. STOP has stated a evolution by tansfoming the pofessional teatments into a self-administeed clinical teatment, in the comfot of you home. STOP uses clinically poven Fequency technology to gently heat the skin fom inside. A wam, elaxing sensation is felt ove the skin suface while the anti-ageing, theapeutic action is taking place in the deepe layes of the skin. This heat induces an incease in demal activity esulting in the stimulation of collagen poduction and thickening of the demis (the skin's foundation) leading to visible skin tightening, fiming and enewal. The ecommended teatment egimen of 12-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week, fo 6 to 8 weeks will significantly educe facial winkles and fine lines, poviding you with impoved skin textue and long lasting esults. STOP Kit Includes: STOP clinical skin enewal device - available in Classic Red, Elegant Black o Cool White STOP Powe Supply lead with Electical Supply Adapto fitted with 2 pin Euopean plug and 3 pin UK plug STOP Electical Outlet Adapto STOP Pepaation Gel (50ml) - specifically fomulated fo use with the STOP device. While potecting the epidemis, the STOP Pepaation Gel ensues delivey of the equied enegy into the deep layes of the skin in ode to heat the tageted aea to the optimal teatment tempeatue and stimulate collagen poduction STOP Afte Teatment Ceam (50ml) - eniches you skin with the equied nutients and mineals that optimize and ensue long tem esults STOP Use Manual and Instuctional Movie STOP Quick Refeence Guide STOP Waanty Policy-1 yea poduct guaantee

    Non-invasive, elaxing teatmentCeates a noticeable clinical effect fom the vey fist teatmentSignificantly educes winkles and fine linesImpoves skin textueLong lasting anti-ageing esults

    Tipolla Stop Kit Includes:Tipolla Stop device – available in eithe: White o BlackElectical Outlet Adapte and Powe SupplyTipolla Stop gel, specific fomula to use with STOP only.Tipolla Stop afte teatment ceam- contains mineals fo cleaning and efeshing the skin.Tipolla stop Use guide and DVD InstuctionRefeence GuideTwo yea waanty.

    专业生产美容美体工具 厂家直销大量现货 QQ:745006069



