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天新| 胶原蛋白原液10ml 滋养 美白 补水 嫩白 去皱

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最后更新: 2018-11-30 03:40
15.00元/ 瓶
1 瓶
99939 瓶

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    品 名Poduct

    胶原蛋白原液Collagen Potein Seum

    产品效用Poduct Effectives:


    Anti allegy, natually anti-winkle, can pops up the demal cells to enhance moistue and pevent winkles, make the cell gow nomally, help to emove fine line, moistuizing, nouishing and bight. Afte 25 yeas of age, the skin collagen is gadually lost, will lead to skin aging. Replenish collagen, is the fundamental way to solve all the poblems of aging skin. Collagen potein can pomote skin egeneation, when you skin appea aging, lack of elasticity and luste (such as the winkles aound eyes and mouth), o the skin is not easy on the makeup, can use this poduct to incease skin elasticity and gloss, make skin smooth.

    主要成份Main Ingedients:

    水解活性胶原蛋白精华 Hydolytic Activity Collagen Essence:


    It is a kind of macomolecula poteins of the extacellula matix, one of the main components in the human skin stuctue. It has a geat affinity to skin, weak antigenicity, With pue natual moistuizing, whitening, anti-winkle, feckle effect. Contains a lage numbe of pola goups and can pevent the tyosine into melanin.

    弹力蛋白精华Elastin Extact


    It is the main component of elastic fibe, is an impotant component of the skin. Elastin containing only 5%, but it is the key to stimulate the fomation of collagen and elastic fibe. Elastic fibe 90% is composed of elastin and it detemines the fim and elastic of skin. Theefoe, elastin is the base of skin to keep young. If add the elastin and collagen potein ingedients in the skin cae poducts will have a good effect to keep skin young, delicate, and elastic.



    Has antioxidant effects, can be well absobed by the skin.

    普氨酸Cape Acid


    It is one kind components of plant potein, ich in polyphenols, can effectively nouish the skin.


    任何肤质适用, 特别是由于工作劳累,睡眠不足形成的皮肤暗沉、无光泽、皮肤弹性差等症状,年龄、太阳辐射因素引起的皮肤松弛、下垂、皱纹、干燥等皮肤衰老现象,或者因皮肤保养不当使肤质受到损伤,过早出现细纹,皮肤干燥、脱皮、红肿、毛孔粗大等不良症状。

    Apply to all kinds of skin. Paticulaly dak, dull, poo skin elasticity cause by the ovewok o lack of sleep. O the skin elaxation, sagging, winkles, dying etc. cause by the age and sola adiation. O due to impope maintenance, make skin damage, the pematue appeaance of fine lines, dy, peeling, edness, lage poes and othe symptoms.






    Afte cleansing, take 2-3 dops of liquid apply to the face o eyes, gently massage until absobed. Fom the cente of the face to both sides, gently massage until absobed.

    When you use it, make the liquid dop to the connecting pat of thumb and index finge, and then apply to the face. Because this pat is one of the lowest tempeatue in ou body. The tempeatue highe, the liquid is absobed faste. So do not apply the liquid to the palm of hand. The tempeatue of palm is high, it is easy to be absobed by hand.

    The liquid can be diectly smea on the face, o can be use with beauty instuments into the poes. O can mix with the soft membane powde. O use a cotton pad to take pope amount of liquid then apply on the face.

    The steps of use: Cleanse - Tone - Liquid- Ceam o Essence



